Painting-long version

Anti-elitist folk art

Lin Fengmian (1900-1991) used folk art as the entry point to create modern Chinese art in the early Twentieth century. His legacy was unfortunately erased by Communism. I would like to continue his experiment. What strikes me is the simplicity, the popularity in history, and its anti-elitist look. When I recreate these images in oil on my canvas, I am experiencing the history condensed in these simple lines and colors.

Painting their minds

Every face of the patrons sitting in front of me for a portrait is a window leading into his or her world, a world that is different from mine. My painting is the the imagination of this world.

The body of Peking opera

I would like to explore the body versus body gesture, dressed versus undressed, sexuality versus non-sexuality. Which one of these two is more attractive? These two paintings is intended to highlight the contradiction of aesthetics in tradition and today among Chinese younger generations.

Painting the beauty

Why avoid beauty? Just because it is beautiful does not mean that it is empty or eye candy. I love beautiful landscape, and I love the fact that many people can easily enjoy my landscape paintings.

Canadian mosaic

From Canadian picture books and paintings, I recorded a wide range of skin tones, then I recreate these colors on masonite in the grid, suggesting the mosaic society of Canada. The point I want to make is different colors are harmonious and together they render a beautiful painting.